Dreams to Awaken
the Soul
We need only look within to find the indwelling guidance of our dreams, able to open our minds and hearts to a more soulful way of being.
Melinda Powell
Author, Dream Guide, Trainer, Lucid Dreaming Authority
If you could find a guide whose compassionate understanding directly connects you to your innermost feelings, shows you how your fears may limit you, and frees you to express your soul’s deepest longing in the world, wouldn’t this be a wonderful opportunity? Yet we need only look within to find the indwelling guidance of our dreams, able to open our minds and hearts to a more soulful way of being, both in dreams and waking life.
If you could find a guide whose compassionate understanding directly connects you to your innermost feelings, shows you how your fears may limit you, and frees you to express your soul’s deepest longing in the world, wouldn’t this be a wonderful opportunity? Yet we need only look within to find the indwelling guidance of our dreams, able to open our minds and hearts to a more soulful way of being, both in dreams and waking life.
Waking Up to the Potential of Dreams

My work has been to recollect and share my experience of dreams and my learning from Lucid Surrender, keeping faith with the guidance of dreams. This deep desire inspires me when I am giving a talk or leading a workshop.

Dream Guide
As your dream guide, I initiate you into a deeper understanding of dreaming and yourself. Like a midwife to your soul, I offer to help you in giving birth to your dreams. In this way, your dreams become the ‘seedlings of realities’ in your life on this earth and even beyond.

Dream Groups
To help us gain clarity about ourselves and our lives, dreamwork goes straight to the heart of the matter, by-passing the mind’s defences and detours to reveal the thoughts of the heart and the soul’s gifts.

For the Day & Night
“The Hidden Lives of Dreams is a great contribution towards healing the deep wounds of our dreaming soul at the present time….A book that is an illuminating guide both to those who pay close attention to their dreams and those whose dream life is an unexplored country.” – Anne Baring PhD, Author of The Dream of the Cosmos: A Quest for the Soul
“With Lucid Surrender, Melinda Powell makes another valuable contribution to the field of transpersonal psychology and, more widely, to humanity.” – Diane Greig, PhD, Founder of the Pacific Northwest Dream Community, Canada, Creator/Host of Invisible Women, The Podcast
About Melinda
Author, Speaker, Dream Guide, Trainer, Pioneer of Lucid Surrender
Since my early twenties, I have followed my dream guidance, which has led me from Southern California, where I was born, to Europe, where I have lived and worked for over thirty years. During this time, I have directed many new programs: the English Department of a Teacher Training College in Poland, a training program for United States Peace Corps volunteers in Lithuania, a summer school in Switzerland, and the charitable counselling service HELP in England, which I ran for 7 years. In 2012, I co-founded the Dream Research Institute in London, which I also directed for 7 years.
I now focus on writing and offer a limited number of dream guidance sessions to individuals and groups online both short and long-term. In my work, I bring together my training and interest in Nature, literature, psychology, metaphor, sacred traditions, alchemy, dreams and dream lucidity. In 2021, I published my latest book, Lucid Surrender: The Alchemy of the Soul in Lucid Dreaming, which offers readers a new way to be with the unknown so they can intimately know and express the deep Mystery at the heart of life.

- MA Psychology of Religion, Heythrop College, University of London, 2003
- 7 years of Post-graduate training in transpersonal psychotherapy, including Advanced Diplomas in Psychotherapy and Supervision
- Advanced Certification in Transpersonal Dreamwork
- British Wheel of Yoga Diploma
- 12 years working as an accredited psychotherapist. Since November 2022, I have been a Non-Clinical member of the United Kingdom Council of Psychotherapists offering trainings in dreamwork and lucid dreaming.
- 12 years Member and Past Vice President of The International Association for the Study of Dreams. Presenter at many IASD conferences, in person and online.
- Director of Help Counselling Centre, Notting Hill, London, 7 years.
- Co-founder of the Dream Research Institute London with Dr Nigel Hamilton. DRI Director, 7 years. DRI Advisor since 2020.
- 20 years of independent research on dreams and their therapeutic applications, as described in The Hidden Lives of Dreams.
- An extensive personal archive of lucid dreams collected over 20 years, as featured in Lucid Surrender.
Recent Podcasts & Upcoming Events

The Dream World Podcast – hosted by Amina Mara
Thank you to Amina for the invitation to talk about Lucid Surrender, Carl Jung, and how to relate to our dream life. Dream World Podcast…
Developing Lucid Awareness in Dreams – DRI Webinar
Tuesday evenings, 4 February – 18 March, 2025, 4:30-5:50pm UK time, online, £385 — fully booked, registration has now closed. If you would like to…
Institute for Dream Studies Talk
Many thanks to Linda Mastrangelo, the Executive Director of the Institute for Dream Studies, for the invitation to be a guest speaker on the IDS…Resources, Reviews & Publications

“Twin” Book Review by Ryan Hurd
For the International Association for the Studies of Dreams’ DreamTime Magazine, Ryan Hurd recently published a comprehensive “twin” book review of both The Hidden Lives…
Lucid Dreaming From Beyond the Grave
In this article for the Lucid Dream Experience Magazine, I share an excerpt from my most recent book Dreams My Mother Taught Me: Lessons in…