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Dream Groups
On the Path to Lucidity

One would do well to treat every dream as though it were a totally unknown object. Look at it from all sides, take it in your hand, carry it about with you, let your imagination play round it, and talk about it with other people. – C. G. Jung

Delve into Your Dreams

Short & Long-term Dream Groups

While we sleep, the brain’s intricate neurology connects us to a mysterious ‘sea of dreams’ – vast ‘domains of potentiality’. Dreams, whether felt to be positive or negative, memorable or inconsequential, fragmentary or complete, serve to connect us to a transformative energy that, like the power of the sea when harnessed, can change our lives and the world around us. While much of the good our dreams do us happens without our full awareness, to benefit fully from our dreams, we need to bring our attention to them – no matter whether we recall a dream as a whole or only in wisps – before the dream recedes into the forgetfulness of sleep or the distractions of waking life. Sharing your dreams with others in empathetic and supportive Dream Groups gives you the time and space to delve into dreams with deep feeling and awareness on the path to lucidity.

The Hidden Lives of Dreams Webinar

Spring 2025 Dates, TBC

4:30 – 5:50pm GMT, 4 participants maximum, £350 (CPD credits)


This online, 7-week introductory course offers a multi-dimensional look at dreams through the practice of the Waking Dream Process. Together, we develop a deeper awareness of dreams and how they can influence our lives. Drawing on the book The Hidden Lives of Dreams, we will:

  • examine the importance of sleep and dreams
  • experience Waking Dreamwork.
  • explore the role of light, colour, landscapes, space, and healing presence in dreams
  • dispel common misconceptions about nightmares and address the fears they bring up
  • learn how to tap into dreams as a source of guidance
  • begin to develop awareness within dreams to enhance dream lucidity
  • learn about lucid dreaming as a spiritual practice in Lucid Surrender


Developing Lucid Awareness in Dreams

Autumn 2025, DRI Webinar

Tuesday evenings, 4 February – 18 March, 2025, 4:30-5:50pm UK time, online, £385 (CPD credits)

  • I am pleased to announce a 7-week webinar series in conjunction with the Dream Research Institute, London. The webinar will introduce you to the practices and concepts that lead to developing lucid awareness in dreams. You do not have to be a lucid dreamer to participate. Together, we will look at the therapeutic applications of lucid dreaming and the Waking Dream Process, exploring how dream lucidity facilitates our psychological and spiritual growth.
  • The alchemical emblem of ‘The Green Lion Swallowing the Sun’, from the medieval alchemical text ‘The Rosarium Philosophorum’, ‘The Rosary of the Philosophers’ (1550), depicts the process of integrating a higher spiritual or lucid awareness. This 1622 version of the emblem by the alchemist, Johann Mylius, includes seven stars along the lion’s side. From an alchemical perspective, each star, representing one of the seven planets then known, mirrors not only the metals that were associated with each planet but also a stage of spiritual development over time. Throughout the webinar, we will be drawing on alchemical imagery alongside material from my books, ‘The Hidden Lives of Dreams’ and ‘Lucid Surrender’.
  • If you have questions or would like to take part in this webinar or to get on a waiting list for a future one, please contact me directly at, including a copy of a recent CV. Spaces limited.


Try a Bespoke Dream Group

  • Short or long-term dream sharing, dreamwork and the Waking Dream Process
  • For professionals, peer groups, colleagues or friends
  • Fees vary according to group size
  • Bespoke scheduling


Register for a Dream Group

Long-Term Dream Groups

DRI’s Certified Training

I also offer 28-week dream groups online as a Dream Research Institute facilitator. See the DRI website and contact me for more information.

  • Essentials of Dreamwork and Advanced Waking Dreamwork For trained therapists. With a group of colleagues, you will explore your own Waking Dream Process. With my support, you will also develop your own ability to facilitate deep and transformative dreamwork for clients
  • Essentials of Lucid Dreaming and Advanced Lucid Dreaming These groups are for those who have an interest in lucid dreaming from a psycho-spiritual perspective. (Being an active lucid dreamer is not an entry requirement). Experiential practice with the Waking Dream Process is used to develop awareness in dreams. The sessions give members an opportunity to explore the science of dream lucidity, the therapeutic applications of dream lucidity and lucid dreaming as a spiritual path.

What truly connects us?

Dreams at the Heart of Our Humanity


To help us gain clarity about ourselves and our lives, dreamwork goes straight to the heart of the matter, by-passing the mind’s defences to reveal the thoughts of the heart and the soul’s gifts.
To share a dream requires honesty, openness, humility, and vulnerability. When a dream is disclosed, we can see our common humanity mirrored in the dream. We learn to listen feelingly and to become conscious of hidden connections. The authenticity of dream sharing arouses empathy and compassion in those who listen. By sharing in each other’s dreams, we become more fully human on our path to lucidity, awakened to the soul of humanity.


The more we ‘wake up’ to dreams, we wake up to life!